Colorado Springs Eye Exam
Are you having difficulty reading objects in fine prints? Or you’re having trouble seeing well or driving at night. Perhaps, there’s a blur or fuzziness about your vision, or you’re having some other eye discomfort. All these could be signs that you need to schedule a Colorado Springs eye exam. A comprehensive eye exam would involve a variety of tests to evaluate your eyes and vision. Even if you’re not feeling any strange symptom, you should still schedule occasional visits to the experienced optometrists at In Focus Eye Care. There is no better way of detecting eye problems and fixing them before they worsen.
What do they do at an eye exam?
A lot of people are at a loss on what to expect during a Colorado Springs eye exam. There is a wide variety of eye testing procedures and instruments. Depending on your needs, your optometrist may order a simple test such as reading an eye chart or a more complex one, such as visualizing the fine structures in your eyes with the aid of a high-powered lens. Below are some of the standard tests your optometrist is likely to order during a Colorado Springs eye exam:
Visual acuity test: Usually involves reading from a projected eye chart or a hand-held acuity chart to measure your distance and near visual acuity.
Color blindness test: A screening that tests your ability to identify colors correctly.
Cover test: This test aims to detect how your eyes work together. You would be asked to focus on a far and near object, and each of your eyes would be covered alternately.
Ocular motility testing: This test detects problems with eye movement.
Retinoscopy: Retinoscopy can determine the approximation of your eyeglass prescription.
The list above is not comprehensive. Your eye doctor would determine the tests that are appropriate for your complaints or condition.
How long does an eye exam take?
The duration of a Colorado Springs eye exam would depend on many factors including, but not limited to, your age, family history, medical conditions, symptoms you presented with, whether you already have eyeglasses or contact lenses, and whether you have an eye disease.
On average, it takes about 15 to 30 minutes to complete a routine eye examination. A comprehensive eye exam may last for up to 45 minutes or an hour, depending on the factors mentioned above. If you’ve not had an eye test in a long time, or if you’re already having symptoms of eye discomfort, your comprehensive eye exam may last for longer than an hour.
Schedule a visit today
At In Focus Eye Care, we are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a clear vision for years to come. We have a host of experienced optometrists that would take charge of your Colorado Springs eye exam. Our diagnostic equipment and vision correction products are state-of-the-art, and our commitment to improving the quality of life of Colorado Springs residents is unmatched.